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Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS)


In stage 1, all EP candidates must meet the EP qualifying salary, which increases with age.

In stage 2, COMPASS further accounts for sectoral differences in salary norms. Your application earns points by meeting the salary benchmarks specific to your firm's classified sector. These benchmarks are also age-adjusted.

Fixed monthly salary compared to local PMET salaries in sector by age Points
≥ 90th percentile 20
65th to < 90th percentile 10
< 65th percentile 0

Annual updates to the benchmarks will be announced in March each year and applied to EP applications submitted from 1 September of the same year. The next update will be in May 2023 and applied from 1 September 2023 when COMPASS takes effect for new EP applications.

Related questions:

As an employer, you are responsible for ensuring that your candidate’s qualifications are authentic and were awarded by accredited institutions.

From 1 September 2023, qualifications declared to MOM in new EP applications will have to be supported with verification proof from background screening companies listed on MOM’s website.

This is to ensure that qualifications used to score points under COMPASS are authentic.

Candidate's qualifications Points
Top-tier institution 20
Degree-equivalent qualification 10
No degree-equivalent qualification 0

Top-tier institutions

EP candidates with qualifications from top-tier institutions will earn 20 points on COMPASS. Top-tier institutions include: 

  • Top 100 universities based on QS World University Rankings, and other highly-reputed universities in Asia
  • Singapore’s Autonomous Universities
  • Institutions that are highly-recognised in a particular field

Degree-equivalent qualifications

EP candidates holding degree-equivalent qualifications will earn 10 points on COMPASS. Degree-equivalent qualifications generally refer to:

  • Foreign qualifications that are assessed to be comparable to a bachelor’s degree in the UK system (MOM determines this with reference to international recognition bodies, e.g. the UK National Information Centre for recognition and evaluation of international qualifications and skills (UK ENIC)).
  • Professional qualifications that are well-recognised by the industry and endorsed by a relevant sector agency.

Candidates who do not hold degree-equivalent qualifications can still pass COMPASS by earning sufficient points on other criteria.

A diverse mix of nationalities enriches firms with new ideas and networks, and contributes to a more inclusive and resilient workforce.

COMPASS awards more points to applications where the candidate’s nationality forms a small share of the firm’s PMET employees. No points are earned if your firm is applying to bring in a candidate whose nationality currently forms a significant share of its PMET employees.

Share of candidate’s nationality among firm’s PMETs Points
< 5% 20
5 to < 25% 10
≥ 25% 0

Your application scores 10 points by default if your firm employs fewer than 25 PMET employees.

For the computation of your firm's nationality share, the nationality of your PMET employee (including Permanent Residents) is based on the nationality indicated on their passport in the Singapore Government's records.

Use the Workforce Insights tool on myMOM Portal to find out the share of nationalities among your firm’s PMET employees.

Related questions:

COMPASS recognises firms that make efforts to create opportunities for the local workforce and build complementary teams comprising both local and foreign professionals.

Your application earns more points if your firm has a relatively higher share of locals among PMET employees, compared to your peers in the same sector.

Share of local PMETs within your sector Points
≥ 50th percentile 20
20th to < 50th percentile 10
< 20th percentile  0

Your application earns 10 points by default if your firm employs fewer than 25 PMET employees.

If your firm’s local PMET share is at least 70% (pegged to the 20th percentile of firms economy-wide), your application will earn at least 10 points. This is regardless of where your firm stands within their sector. In this way, we do not disadvantage firms in sectors which have a relatively high share of local PMET employees.

Use the Workforce Insights tool on myMOM Portal to find out the share of nationalities among your firm’s PMETs.

Related questions:

As Singapore moves to capture new economic opportunities, firms will require access to skilled talent to fill these jobs. The Government works closely with education and training institutes and tripartite partners to train our local graduates and reskill mid-career workers for these good jobs.

However, given our limited local workforce and worldwide competition for talent, the demand for skilled roles will also need to be met by complementary foreign manpower.

The Shortage Occupation List (SOL) recognises EP holders in occupations that require highly specialised skills that are currently in shortage in the local workforce.

The SOL is determined by a robust evaluation process that takes into account industry needs and local workforce development efforts.

Learn more about the current Shortage Occupation List.

Skills Bonus Points
Job on the Shortage Occupation List +20
(Reduced to +10 if share of candidate’s nationality among firm’s PMETs is one-third or higher)

Your candidate’s bonus points will be reduced from +20 to +10 if their nationality forms one-third or higher of your firm’s PMETs. This encourages resilience and diversity in firms, especially in areas requiring critical skills.

Candidates applying for specific tech occupations on the SOL may also be eligible for a longer 5-year duration EP.


Singapore seeks to anchor and grow firms that can contribute to the innovative capacity of our economy, enhance our global linkages, and strengthen our economic competitiveness. Such firms should also have the scale or potential to provide good jobs for locals.

This bonus recognises firms participating in a list of eligible programmes in line with our strategic economic priorities. These are firms undertaking ambitious investment, innovation, and internationalisation activities in partnership with economic agencies, or firms endorsed by National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) as strong partners on company and workforce transformation activities.

Learn more about the eligible programmes under the Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus.

Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus Points
For partnership with Government on ambitious investment, innovation, internationalisation, or company and workforce transformation activities +10









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